Customs Regulations (Argentina)

Bellow you will find general information from your country’s Customs. Please read these rules and regulations carefully.

Abandoned shipments are no longer accepted by customs. Shipments not cleared within 30 days of arrival will be returned to shipper. Freight charges and storage fees will apply.

Any shipment sent IP BSO or express shipments containing restricted commodities regardless of value that cannot be cleared under the express regime is subject to an import declaration (DJAI) to be obtained by consignee PRIOR to shipment. Per customs, shipments that are not accompanied by the DJAI will be returned to the shipper at their expense.

All non-courier cleared shipments will be subject to an additional fee when paperwork will be tendered to the consignee or broker. Non-courier cleared shipments for individuals with declared value below 500 USD will be exempted of this fee.

Tierra del Fuego is a Free Trade Zone, all shipments must be BSO (other than envelops with documents). Clearance or transit to final destination will be performed by a broker (either consignee's broker or broker selected by origin) at an additional fee.

Shipments sent between the "Mercosur" countries of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay must include the Certificate of Origin, International Air Waybill and Commercial Invoice in order to comply with the regulations of the Mercosur Group of countries.

Customs regulations for express shipments limit the weight/value per shipment to 50 kg or 1000 USD. If the same recipient receives multiple shipments courier company can only clear the maximum of 50 kg or 1000 USD per day. All other shipments must be cleared by the consignee or designated broker.

National Customs will charge all shipments OB Argentina a Tax of 5% to 20% of the FOB value in concept of exported goods. The percentage depends on the product type (fuel exports 20%, agriculture 10%, all other 5%). This tax does not apply for returned to sender and re-expedited shipments.

Shipments that contain used or repaired items must be cleared through customs by the consignee or their broker.

A single consignee can only receive a maximum value of 1000 USD each day per Tax ID. Shipments valued greater than 1000 USD or sum of shipments exceeding 1000 USD must be cleared through customs by the consignee as BSO.

The consignee's valid Tax ID number (CUIT, CUIL) “must" be listed on the AWB/Commercial Invoice. If the consignee does not have a Valid CUIT or CUIL, the consignee's passport number should be listed. Shipments arriving to Argentina with missing or incorrect Tax ID cannot be cleared and will be delayed until the information is provided.

The consignee must present the Form 4550/T-Compras a proveedores del exterior (Purchases from Overseas Suppliers).

The consignee must provide proof of Nivel de seguridad de la clave fiscal AFIP. This is the security level access provided by AFIP to each consignee. Consignees holding a CUIL must have an AFIP access level of 2 or above to be granted access to import any shipments into Argentina.

All of the information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, we assume no responsibility for any errors. Further, the information can be changed or updated at any time by Customs. For more detailed information please contact your country's customs officials or visit a website of Customs and Border Protection.

A new Customs Resolution (Resolución General 3579) has been issued in Argentina. This resolution states that all non-document shipment, will have to complete a form (F4550 - through the AFIP (local IRS) webpage in order to validate the shipment.

If form is not completed shipment will be held in local DHL until its fulfillment with no exceptions. This form have to be completed after Customs clearance but BEFORE delivery, otherwise shipment won't be delivered.

Full Detail of commodities is needed to process material otherwise might be delayed. Consignee's must be registered on Federal Taxes Administration (AFIP) with security fiscal code 2 or above. There is no deadline for return as it depends on customs to force us to return it.

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