Hantek Oscilloscopes from now on are for sale at ToolBoom online store!

Hantek Digital Oscilloscopes

We are glad to inform you that Hantek digital oscilloscopes have been added to the products range of our Toolboom store.

Qingdao Hantek Electronic Co., Ltd (Qingdao, China) is the Chinese manufacturer of oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, generators and other measuring equipment. The company products possesses good quality-price ratio and can be useful for professional engineers as well as amateurs.

Toolboom supermarket for engineers offers new Hantek DSO1000 series handheld digital oscilloscopes. This equipment serves an example of modern engineering development with application of advanced hardware components and high quality materials. As far as functionality is concerned it is a "2-in-1" device that combins features of digital storage oscilloscope and multimeter. Hantek DSO1000 series is notable for a stylish design: separate buttons for each channel (amplification, control, parameters), trigger system and additional functions are provided. These oscilloscopes are compact, light in weight, comfortable in use and are supplied with all necessary accessories. Framework of these digital storage oscilloscopes is shockproof with rubber band all around it, which makes these devices more comfortable when used in portable mode.

We've got more pleasant news for you!

Hantek company improved functionality of well-known DSO1060 model and produced Hantek DSO8060 handheld digital oscilloscope . As a result we have a double-channel digital storage oscilloscope with 60 MHz bandwidth, digital high-precision multimeter and frequency generator (25 MHz) in one compact item. This device can work standalone as well as attached to computer via USB 2.0 interface. In multimeter mode Hantek DSO8060, as well as DSO1000 oscilloscopes, can be used for measuring voltage, current, resistance, capacity, diode and continuity test.

You can find more detailed information on these oscilloscopes at the following product pages:

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