Digital Storage Oscilloscope ATTEN ADS1042CML

id: 820007
Digital Storage Oscilloscope ATTEN ADS1042CML
USD 250.00


5 kg 110, 220 V Warranty: 24 months
2 channel digital storage oscilloscope. Bandwidth 40 MHz. Sampling frequency 1 GSa/s. Memory Depth 2Mpts Read more
USD 250.00
USD 250.00
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ATTEN ADS1042CML is a portable digital storage oscilloscope with top performance and various advanced functions. It has 2 channels, 40 MHz bandwidth, sampling frequency of 1 GSa/s and 2Mpts memory depth.


  • 1 GSa/s sampling rate and 50 GSa/s equivalent sampling rate
  • 2 Channels
  • 7" Color LCD
  • 12 menu languages - English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Arabic
  • Memory Depth: 2 Mpts
  • Trigger types: Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope, Alternative
  • Unique digital filter function and waveform recorder function
  • Support Pass/Fail function.
  • Thirty two parameters Auto measure function.
  • Save/recall types: setups, waveforms, CSV file, picture
  • Support Multilingual On-line help system
  • Adjustable waveform intensity and grid brightness
  • Easyscope Software
  • Standard Configuration Port:
    • USB Host: Support USB flash driver save/recall function and update firmware;
    • USB Device: Support PictBridge compatible printer and support PC remote control;
    • RS232, Pass/ Fail output.

Comparative Specifications

ATTEN ADS1000CML/CL+ Digital Storage Oscilloscope Series Comparative Specifications

Bandwidth 25 MHz 40 MHz 60 MHz 100 MHz 150 MHz 200 MHz
Sampling rate 500 MSa/s 1 GSa/s
Equivalent sampling rate 10 GSa/s 50 GSa/s
Memory depth 32 Kpts 2 Mpts (one channel), 1 Mpts (two channels) 5 Kpts
Rise time < 14 ns < 8.8 ns < 5.8 ns < 3.5 ns < 2.3 ns < 1.8 ns
Input impedance 1 MΩ || 14 pF
Sec/div range 25 ns/div to 50 s/div 10 ns/div to 50 s/div 5 ns/div to 50 s/div 2.5 ns/div to 50 s/div
scan: 100 ms -50 s/div
Display Color LCD, (480 × 234) 7″

Technical Specifications

Input coupling AC, DC, GND
Input impedance DC: 1 MΩ ± 2% || 17 pF ± 3 pF
AC: 1.2 MΩ ± 2% || 17 pF ± 3 pF, < =100 mV/div
1.0 MΩ ± 2% || 17 pF ± 3 pF, >100 mV/div
Maximum input voltage ± 400 V PK-PK CATI
Probe attenuator 1×, 10×
Oscilloscope attenuator 1×, 10×, 100×, 1000×
Horizontal system
Real time sampling rate 1 Ch: 500 MSa/s, 2 Ch: 250 MSa/s (for ADS1000CL+ models) 1 Ch: 1 GSa/s, 2 Ch: 500 MSa/s (for ADS1000CML models) 1 Ch: 1 GSa/s, 2 Ch: 1 GSa/s (for ADS1202CML models)
Equivalent sampling rate 50 GSa/s
Measure display modes main, window, window zoom, scan, x-y
Timebase accuracy ±100 ppm measured over 10 ms interval
Time window 18 div
Vertical system
Vertical sensitivity 2 mV-10 V/div at input BNC (1-2-5 order)
2 mV-5 V/div at input BNC (for ADS1202CML and ADS1000CL+ models)
Channel voltage offset range 2 mV-200 mV: ±1.6 V
206 mV-10 V: ± 40 V in fixed gain ranges & variable gain ranges
Vertical resolution 8 bit
Channels 2
BW flatness DC-10% of rated BW: ± 1dB
10%-50% of rated BW: ± 2 dB
50%-100% of rated BW: ± 3dB
Lower frequency limit (AC -3 dB) ≤10 Hz (at input BNC)
Noise: Pk-Pk for 3K record ≤ 0.6 div for average of 10 Pk-Pk readings in fixed gain settings.
≤ 0.7 div for average of 10 Pk-Pk readings in variable gain settings
SFDR including harmonics ≥40 dB
DC gain accuracy < ± 3.0%: 5 mV/div to 5 V/div in fixed gain ranges
< ± 4.0%: typical for 2 mV/div and variable gain ranges
DC measurement accuracy:
all gain settings ≤100 mV/div
± [3%X (|reading|+|offset|) +1% of |offset| +0.2 div +2 mV]
+0.2 div+2 mV]
DC measurement accuracy:
all gain settings >100 mV/div
± [3%X (|reading|+|offset|) +1% of |offset| +0.2 div+100 mV]
Math operation +,-, *,FFT
FFT window mode: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangular
Bandwidth limiter 20 MHz ± 40% typical
(note: BW limited below 20 MHz ± 40% when using probe X1)
Trigger system
Trigger types edge, pulse width, video, slope, alternative
Trigger modes auto, normal, single
Trigger sources Ch1-2, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line
Trigger coupling AC, DC, LF rej, HF rej
Trigger level range CH1, CH2: ± 6 div from center of screen
EXT: ±1.2 V
EXT/5: ± 6 V
Trigger level accuracy (typical) applicable for the signal of rising and falling time ≥ 20 ns internal: ±(0.2 div×V/div)( within ± 4 div from center of screen)
EXT: ±(6% of setting + 40 mV)
EXT/5: ±(6% of setting + 200 mV)
Edge trigger edge type: rising, falling, rising and falling
Pulse width trigger trigger modes: (>,<,=) positive pulse width, (>,<,=) negative pulse width pulse width range: 20 ns-10 s
Video trigger support signal formats: PAL/SECAM, NTSC
trigger condition: odd field, even field, all lines, line Num
Slope trigger (>,<,=) positive slope, (>,<,=) negative slope
time:: 20 ns-10 s
Alternative trigger CH1 trigger type: edge, pulse, video, slope
CH2 trigger type: edge, pulse, video, slope
Control panel function
Auto set auto adjusting of the vertical, horizontal system and trigger position
Save/recall support 2 group referenced waveforms, 20 group setups, 20 group captured waveforms internal
storage/recall function and USB flash driver storage function.
Acquisition system
Sample type real time, equivalent time
Sample mode sample, peak measure, average
Averages 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
Measure system
Auto measurements
Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vamp, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Mean, Crms, Vrms, ROVShoot, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, FPREShoot, Rise time, Fall time, Freq, Period, +Wid, -Wid, +Dut, -Dut, Bwid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF,LRR,LRF, LFR, LFF
Cursor measurements manual mode, track mode and auto mode
Display mode color TFT 7" diagonal
Resolution 480 × 234 pixels
Wave display mode point, vector
Point, vector off, 1 sec, 2 sec, 5 sec, infinite
Menu display 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, infinite
Screen saver 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min,15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, off
Waveform interpolation Sin(x)/x, linear
Color model normal, invert
Interface USB host, USB device, RS232, pass/fail output
Power supply
Input voltage 100-240 V AC, CAT II, auto selection
Frequency scope 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power 50 V·A
General characteristics
Dimensions (L × W × H), mm 399 × 148.5 × 110.5
Weight, kg 2.4

Package Contents

  • Digital Oscilloscope ATTEN ADS1042CML — 1 pc.
  • Probes 1×10 — 2 pcs.
  • CD with Software — 1 pc.
  • User's Manual — 1 pc.


Screen Size
  • 7.0" TFT display
Number of channels
  • dual-channel
Storage Capacity
  • 2 MB
  • 40 MHz
  • desktop
Sample Rate
  • 500 MS/s

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