Fiber optic testers are designed to measure insertion loss and detect the location of faults in the fiber optic cable (entangled fibers, tight bends, as well as damaged optical fibers, connector and splicing sleeve).
Designed for tracing optical fibers, checking of the fiber continuity, and troubleshooting (breaks, bad splices, and tight bends) in fiber optic cables: single-mode (> 7 km) and multimode (> 5 km).
Designed for fiber optic cable inspection and fault detection (finding tangled fibers, tight bends, necessary connectors, optical fiber breaks, connector breaks, splice protection sleeve breaks, defining fault position and other signal loss reasons).
Fiber optic visual fault locator for field personnel who need an efficient and economical tool for continuity checking in an optical network during and after installation. Output power: 1 mW, wavelength: 650 nm ±10 nm.