Digital Oscilloscope Rigol DS6062

id: 828823
Digital Oscilloscope Rigol DS6062


12 kg 110, 220 V Warranty: 36 months
Bandwidth 600 MHz, real-time sample rate up to 5 GSa/s, memory depth 140 million points, dual channel, cursor measurements, calculated rise time 600 ps. Read more
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Rigol DS6062 is a digital oscilloscope with improved syncronization system and data decoding. Rigol DS6062 has the segmented memory which enables singling out any necessary part of the waveform separately to gather more information and storing up to 180,000 frames for replay and analysis. The UltraVision technology makes possible 256 brightness gradations and real-time filtration system. Rigol DS6062 digital oscilloscope displays to 5 measured items with statistics due to the automatic measurements function for horizontal and vertical parameters. Rigol DS6062 can be used in automated measurement systems since it is LXI-C compliant.

Rigol DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope User Manuals

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Rigol DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope Features

  • 600 MHz bandwidth
  • Sample rate up to 5 GSa/s
  • 140 Mpts memory
  • Capture rate up to 180,000 waveforms per second
  • RIGOL DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope
  • Innovative "UltraVision" technology
  • RIGOL DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope
  • Variety of trigger functions and automatic measurements
  • RIGOL DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope
  • User defined Mask,Pass/Fail counts, Stop on Fail,Fail Alarm
  • RIGOL DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope
  • Advanced user defined math functions
  • RIGOL DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope
  • Serial bus trigger and decoder support
  • RIGOL DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope
  • "WaveFinder" data search knob
  • Built-in 1 GB flash memory
  • USB 2.0 connectivity, host and device ports
  • Battery power option

Rigol DS6062 Digital Oscilloscope Comparative Specifications

Model DS6062 DS6064 DS6102 DS6104
Bandwidth 600 MHz 600 MHz 1 GHz 1 GHz
Channels 2 4 2 4
Real-time sample rate 5 GSa/s (single channel mode),
2.5 GSa/s (dual channel mode)
Memory depth 140 million points
Vertical resolution 8 bits
Vertical sensitivity 2 mV/div to 10 V/div
Waveform acquisition rate 180,000 waveforms per second
Averaging After all the channels finish N samples at the same time, N can be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 or 8192.
Input coupling DC, AC or GND
Input impedance (1 MΩ±1%) || (14 pF±3 pF) or 50 MΩ±1.5%
Probe attenuation coefficient 0.001×, 0.01×, 0.1×, 1×, 2×, 5×, 10×, 20×, 50×, 100×, 200×, 500×, 1000×
Maximum input voltage (1 MΩ)

CAT I 300 Vrms, CAT II 100 Vrms,
with Rigol RP2200 10:1 probe: CAT II 300 Vrms

Timebase scale 1 ns/div to 50 s/div 500 ps/div to 50 s/div
Timebase accuracy ≤±(15 + 2 × iinstrument age in years) ppm
Number of XYs 2 simultaneously
Vertical scale 2 mV/div to 5 V/div (1 MΩ)
2 mV/div to 1 V/div (50 Ω)
Offset range 2 mV/div to 120 mV/div: ± 1.2 V (50 Ω)
125 mV/div to 1 V/div: ± 12 V (50 Ω)
2 mV/div to 225 mV/div: ± 2 V (1 MΩ)
Bandwidth limit 20 MHz or 250 MHz
Low frequency response ≤5 Hz
Calculated rise time 600 ps 400 ps
DC gain accuracy ±2% full scale
DC offset accuracy 200 mV/div to 5 V/div: 0.1 div ± 2 mV ± 0.5 offset value
2 mV/div to 195 mV/div: 0.1 div ± 2 mV ± 1.5 offset value
ESD tolerance ±2 kV
Channel to channel isolation DC to maximum band width: >40 dB
Trigger level range INT: ±6 div from center screen
EXT: ±0.8 V
Trigger mode Auto, Normal, Single
Holdoff range 100 ns to 10 s
High frequency rejection 50 kHz
Low frequency rejection 5 kHz
Trigger types Edge, Pulse, Slope, Video, Pattern, RS232/UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, USB
Cursor Manual mode voltage deviation between cursors (ΔV)
time deviation between cursors (ΔT)
reciprocal of ΔT (Hz) (1/ΔT)
Track mode voltage and time values of the waveform point
Auto mode allow to display cursors during auto measurement
Auto measurement Maximum, Minimum, Peak-Peak Value, Top Value, Bottom Value, Amplitude, Average, Mean Square Root, Overshoot, Pre-shoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Pulse Width, Negative Pulse Width, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Delay A→B⌈, Delay A→B⌊, Phase A→B⌈, Phase A→B⌊
Number of measurements display 5 measurements at the same time
Measurement range screen or cursor
Measurement statistic Average, Max, Min, Standard Deviation, Number of Measurements
Frequency counter hardware 6 bits frequency counter
Math operation
Waveform operation A+B, A-B, A&mult;B, A/B, FFT, Editable Advanced Operation, Logic Operation
FFT window function Rectangle, Hanning, Blackman, Hamming
FFT display Split, Full Screen
FFT vertical scale Linear RMS, dBV RMS
Logic operation AND, OR, NOT, XOR
Math function Intg, Diff, Log, Exp, Sqrt, Sine, Cosine, Tangent
Number of buses for decoding 2
Decoding type parallel (standard), RS232/UART (option), I2C&SPI (option)
Display type 10.1 inches (257 mm) TFT LCD display
Display resolution 800 horizontal × RGB × 480 vertical pixel
Display color 160,000 Color
Persistence time minimum, 1 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, infinite
Display type dots, vectors
Standard ports USB device, two USB host ports, LAN, VGA Output, 10 MHz Input/Output, Aux output ( TrigOut, Quick Edge, PassFail, Calibration, GND)
Printer compatibility PictBridge
General characteristics
Dimensions, mm 399 × 255.3 × 123.8
Weight, kg 5.345±0.2


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Package Contents

  • Oscilloscope RIGOL DS6062 (1 pc.)
  • Power cord (1 pc.)
  • USB cable (1 pc.)
  • Front panel cover (1 pc.)
  • Passive probes (2 pcs.)

Additional accessories and software


Screen Size
  • 10.1" TFT display
Number of channels
  • dual-channel
  • 600 MHz
  • desktop
Sample Rate
  • 5 GS/s
Storage Capacity
  • 140 MB


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