
Hi-tec test and measuring device manufacturer

Software upgrades

Software upgrades – your SIGLENT can do more!

You’ve got a unique possibility to upgrade the operability of the SIGLENT device you already have (oscilloscopes, waveform generators, spectrum analyzers). You just need to buy software upgrades for that. This is a license key that activates an additional feature in your device.

Check the software upgrade compatibility or contact out tech support before purchase.

BESTSELLER SIGLENT SDS1202X-E Super Phosphor Oscilloscope
2-channel phosphor digital oscilloscope with 200 MHz bandwidth, 1 GSa/s real-time sample rate
BESTSELLER SIGLENT SDG1032X Waveform Generator
Dual-channel function/arbitary waveform generator with 30 MHz max. output frequency, 150 MSa/s sample rate, 14 bits vertical resolution

You should know this to decide on buying SIGLENT equipment

SIGLENT is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of electronic test and measuring equipment.

When you choose SIGLENT oscilloscope, you get high data accuracy, smart interface, and the latest measuring algorithms. Apart from scopes, the company produces a wide range of spectrum analyzers, multimeters, function/arbitrary waveform generators, and laboratory power supply units.

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